
ISSCC 2020:极低功耗事件驱动型IoT芯片

A 57nW Software-Defined Always-On Wake-Up Chip for IoT Devices with Asynchronous Pipelined Event-Driven Architecture and Time-Shielding Level-Crossing ADC

ISSCC 2021:极低功耗事件驱动型AIoT芯片

148nW General-Purpose Event-Driven Intelligent Wake-Up Chip for AIoT Devices Using Asynchronous Spike-Based Feature Extractor and Convolutional Neural Network

ISSCC 2021:超低功耗湿度/电容传感芯片

1.5μW 0.135pJ•%RH2 CMOS Humidity Sensor Using Adaptive Range-Shift Zoom CDC and Power-Awareness Floating Inverter Amplifier Array

ISSCC 2022:极低功耗异步脉冲神经网络芯片

An 82nW 0.53pJ/SOP Clock-Free Spike Neural Network with 40μs Latency for AIoT Wake-Up Functions Using Ultimate-Event-Driven Bionic Architecture and Computing in Memory Technique

ISSCC 2022:极低功耗嵌入式SRAM存储器

Single-Mode 6T CMOS SRAM Macros with Keeper-Loading-Free Peripherals and Row-Separate Dynamic Body Bias Achieving 2.53fW/bit Leakage for AIoT Sensing Platforms

ISSCC 2023:SRAM存算一体AI芯片

A 22-nm Delta-Sigma Computing-In-Memory (ΔΣCIM) SRAM Macro with Near-Zero-Mean Outputs and LSB-First ADCs Achieving 21.38TOPS/W for 8b-MAC Edge AI Processing

ISSCC 2023:免校准高精度高能效模拟信号链

A 7.9fJ/Conversion-Step and 37.12aFrms  Pipelined-SAR Capacitance-to-Digital Converter with kT/C Noise Cancellation and Incomplete-Settling-Based Correlated Level Shifting

ISSCC 2023:极低功耗时钟电路

A 0.954nW 32kHz Crystal Oscillator in 22nm CMOS with Gm-C-Based Current Injection Control

ISSCC 2024:SRAM存算一体AI芯片

A 22nm 0.26nW/Synapse Spike-Driven Spiking Neural Network Processing Unit Using Time-Step-First Dataflow and Sparsity-Adaptive In-Memory Computing

ISSCC 2024:高能效模拟前端放大器芯片

A 0.69/0.58-PEF 1.6nW/24nW Capacitively Coupled Chopper Instrumentation Amplifier with an Input-Boosted First Stage in 22nm/180nm CMOS

ISSCC 2024:高能效模数转换器芯片

A 182.3dB FoMs 50MS/s Pipelined-SAR ADC using Cascode Capacitively Degenerated Dynamic Amplifier and MSB Pre-Conversion Technique

ISSCC 2024:高速高精度模数转换器芯片

A 2mW 70.7dB SNDR 200MS/s Pipelined-SAR ADC with Continuous-Time SAR-Assisted Detect-and-Skip and Open-then-Close Correlated Level Shifting
